
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has spread in various parts of the world and almost all over
the world, this has been very influential in various elements of education, economy and government. One of the
villages affected by the existence of Covid-19 is Watestanjung Village, located in Wringinanom District, Gresik
Regency, East Java Province. As a result of returning workers from out of town who returned to their homes - each
in the Watestanjung Village, this made the people in the Wates tanjung Village worry about the spread of the Covid19 virus. Even though the community has done various kinds of prevention series such as washing hands with soap
after doing activities, wearing masks every time they leave the house, and providing a handanitizer as an alternative
to washing hands, on the other hand they are complaining about the price of these items because they are getting
more and more days increased from the usual price. As a student who participates in the Thematic Community
Service Program 2020, the author is interested in creating innovations that make a handsanitizer from natural
ingredients such as betel leaves and lemons, in addition to the benefits of betel leaves which have the same content
as ethanol and alcohol and lemons that have properties acid which is acidic nature is not
preferredbygermsorbacteria,andsoils inthevillageof Watestanjung whichareclassifiedasalluvial,betel leaves and
lemons can flourish without special care. Therefore, the Student through the Ubhara ThematicCommunity Service
Program wishes to create innovations in the form of making handsanitizers from natural materials available in
Watestanjung Village such as betel leaves and lemons and aims so that the people of Watestanjung Village can make
their own handsanitizer without complaining about the price of handsanitizer which is quite expensive
