• INA ROSMAYA Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
  • OLIVE NATALISHA KIRSTEN Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
  • RENNETA SAFRA PUTRI Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya


The realization of security and public order is highly expected by the entire community, thus creating a sense of security and peace like every community and can increase motivation and enthusiasm for activities. Security that comes from the word safe is a condition that is free from all kinds of disturbances and obstacles. Meanwhile, the definition of order is a situation where all activities can function and play a role according to existing regulations. Nogosari Village has several seeds of problems that if left unchecked can become crucial problems in the future because they are related to the needs of the surrounding community. Based on the results of surveys and observations that we have done, we get some results regarding the problems that exist in the hamlet of Nogosari. One of them is related to order and security, especially about theKamling Post. According to the information we got from Mrs. Wiwik as the head of the Nogosari hamlet, it is estimated that there will be a crisis in security. One way to prevent this security crisis is to relive the unused kamling post into a new kamling post andprovide educationto the public regarding the use of kentongan as a danger sign in the event ofsocial crimes or natural disasters.
